Public Maps
This feature provides a list that contains 300+ public maps collected by the CHMap project.
To explore the public maps, click on “Public maps” at the top of the navigation menu to reveal a dropdown menu. Here you can choose between displaying all public map layers collected by the CHMap project, or filtering to a smaller collection (by place name or by a latitude and longitude).

All Public Maps
Clicking on “All” will open a pop-up window on the right of the screen. Here you can browse all of the available maps. The maps are sorted by region.

Filtering by a Place Name
To search for public map layers by a place (town, city, etc) of your choosing, click on “By a place name” in the navigation panel. This will place pins on the places that share this name. Click on the pin to choose which location you want to filter by and click the blue “Show available maps” button in the overview that pops up on the screen. The available maps will appear in a floating panel on the right.

Filtering by a (lat, long)
To only see maps from a chosen location, click “By a (lat, long)” to reveal a pin on the map.

Then choose the location you want to filter by by dragging and dropping the pin to the desired location.

An overview of the location of the pin is shown in a box above the pin.

Click the blue “Show available maps” button in the overview that pops up on the screen. The available maps will appear in a floating panel on the right.